Monthly Archives: March 2015


Stryper_Cover_TheCoveringFThe final deck for my demo set is complete: Rex Sweet, Nazarite Priest in his Juggernaut class 4RC-H4NG3L ‘Archangel.’

Along with this new deck, I’ve updated all the older ones as well, to take into account some slight rules tweaking and to include counters for Heat, Power, and Damage as well as Control Markers, so you can mark cards from your deck that are placed into other player’s areas.

All that is left is to create the cards for creating the Tactical Display track and put the rules into a proper demo rulebook, although the latter might have to wait as I have a metric butt-tonne of cards and counters to assemble before tomorrow. Still, everything should be good to go for you to download the game and give it a whirl within the week.


Lita_Osbourne_SquaredDeck production is speeding up as repetition means less original content to create with each new deck. The latest one inroduces our first female Rider, Lita Osbourne (patterned after Lita Ford and Natasha Kerensky), and a new, heavier class of Titan: the Juggernaut class SAB-V0LUM4 ‘Supernaught.’

Lita’s deck strategy is more about subterfuge and support than the previous two, making use of more external forces granted to her as favors from other Lords around the Metalsphere and finding ways to sabotage her enemies’ plans.

I’m confident that I can get one more deck done, and this one will be the mortal enemy of Lita’s, a Nazarite in another Juggernaut class Titan who can give her a run for her money…


ULIFollowing up on Eddie from last week, we have Uli Jon Hammet, Yngwie marauder, ex-gladiator and current leader of the Star Scorpions, a band of interstellar pirates who work on and off as mercenaries. You can find Uli’s Deck here.

Once again, there are three sets of cards in the PDF. The first 2 pages are Titan and Rider cards, the next 4 pages are Titan Systems and the remaining pages make up Uli’s 60 card TAC Deck.

I’m going to try and knock out a couple more decks before Thursday, and as each deck gets easier as cards repeat, that might happen, but I also have to get the rules written up and put in PDF. I’ll get that done first and post them up sooner than later so you can test out both of these decks against each other.



bruce_dickinson_iron_maiden_portrait_by_nonsense_prophet-d76ugv8I’ve been plugging away at the demo decks for BoHM: Titans for a bit now, trying to nail down the format for the various types of cards you will find in the set, and I’ve finished my first test set: ‘Iron’ Eddie Dickinson, Veteran Sabbathite Rider in his 1RN-M41D3N.

There are no images ready for the System cards yet, and all the portraits in the TAC Deck are almost 100% borrowed from the intertubes without permission, but other than that, the cards are ready for print and playtesting, once I get the next rider and the rules online

There are three sets of cards in the PDF. The first 2 pages are Titan and Rider cards, the next 4 pages are Titan Systems and the remaining pages make up Eddie’s 60 card TAC Deck.

Next up: Uli Hammet, Veteran Yngwie Rider and his AX3-YNGW13 AXEMASTER!