bruce_dickinson_iron_maiden_portrait_by_nonsense_prophet-d76ugv8I’ve been plugging away at the demo decks for BoHM: Titans for a bit now, trying to nail down the format for the various types of cards you will find in the set, and I’ve finished my first test set: ‘Iron’ Eddie Dickinson, Veteran Sabbathite Rider in his 1RN-M41D3N.

There are no images ready for the System cards yet, and all the portraits in the TAC Deck are almost 100% borrowed from the intertubes without permission, but other than that, the cards are ready for print and playtesting, once I get the next rider and the rules online

There are three sets of cards in the PDF. The first 2 pages are Titan and Rider cards, the next 4 pages are Titan Systems and the remaining pages make up Eddie’s 60 card TAC Deck.

Next up: Uli Hammet, Veteran Yngwie Rider and his AX3-YNGW13 AXEMASTER!